Tag Archives: swift

Swift 2: [iOS] beginner resources

A lot of people who are new to iOS development have absolutely no idea where to begin. I have decided to compile a list of free and paid resources to hopefully guide people in the right direction. Please comment below if you are aware of others as well.





  • The Complete iOS 9 Developer Course
    • For $10¹,  you are taught how to use Xcode 7 & Swift 2 to make real apps like Uber, Instagram & Flappy Bird. Includes free web hosting, assets & ebook.
  • The Swift Developers Cookbook by Erica Sadun
    • A great book by renowned author Erica Sadun, for developers who are moving to modern Swift from Objective-C, from older versions of the Swift language, or from the world of non-Apple languages.


[1]: The $10 deal is valid until Jan 12th, 2016. After, the course is $199.

[2]: Some resources on the CocoaNuts list may be in Objective-C.

WWDC 2015

WWDC 2015: Student Scholarship App

This year I have decided to work on an application for WWDC 2015. Students are encouraged to either create an application using Swift or a combination of Swift and Objective-C. I have decided to take the all Swift approach.

Lot of excitement!

for _ in 1...100000 { println("Hope my app is selected!") }

Diversity at WWDC

Apple has increased the number of students selected to 350 and added a diverse set of STEM organizations. It’s clear there’s a push for change and Apple is leading the way.