I have created a public repository of Swift 2 extensions that will help with development. I hope if you have any that are useful, you will create a pull request and submit.
UIAlertController Extension
I have created a public repository of Swift 2 extensions that will help with development. I hope if you have any that are useful, you will create a pull request and submit.
School For Me will help parents find a new school for their child and teachers locate schools that have a shortage for certain subjects. Parents may search for a school with certain criteria such as “low student to teacher ratio”, “title 1 school”, and so much more. I am using public data provided by the National Center for Education and Data.gov, both are updated yearly for the information provided.
Once the data is downloaded, a few fields were sanitized or removed. There is no need for extra data that will not be used. After cleaning the data, I uploaded it to a MySQL database hosted on my VPS. Currently the data is downloaded once per application load as a JSON result, although this process will change.
The API accepts three parameters: lat, lng, and distance. The distance parameter is optional and will default to 50 miles. The haversine formula is used to calculate the distance from the users coordinates to the nearest schools based on the provided distance.
A more detailed and better write up will be available soon. This is mainly for me to gather my thoughts until the application is finished. Screenshots and development videos have been attached, please keep in mind the design and functionality will only get better as development progresses.
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